In the next few lines, we will see what it is and above all what its characteristics are, trying to examine its most innovative and suggestive aspects.

The fantasy that can convey the joy of organizing a wedding leads the couple to explore new styles and ways of celebrating. In recent years, one of the most interesting celebrations is certainly the symbolic wedding, full of romance and fertile ground for those who wish to go slightly beyond the traditional path.

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The meaning of symbolic marriage

Symbolic marriage is very well known in the USA while in Italy it has only been sinking its roots in recent years. You have surely heard of the symbolic marriage with the name of "Blessing”. Although it has no real legal value, more and more lovers decide to combine it with the civil ceremony or the more romantic spiritual value. But how does it technically differ from a civil or religious ceremony?

Characteristics of a symbolic wedding

Unlike a civil or religious ceremony, symbolic marriage has no legal validity and cannot theoretically be celebrated by a civil status officer or by a representative of the church. Although you will not be able to give it a legal value, it is the emblem of the love of lovers. In fact, you will have the love of your life in front of you, who will want to enjoy a day full of romance and the exaltation of your souls. The symbolic ceremony, in many cases, is carried out on the same day as the civil union, giving a metaphysical aura to the more materialistic signature in the Municipality.

Words can change the world

One of the most appreciated features of a symbolic wedding lies in the possibility of being able to completely compose the text that will be spoken by the person you choose with your partner for the ceremony. Like any ritual, you will have steps to follow, but thanks to the complete freedom due to a process not necessarily bound by official representatives you will be able to show off your imagination and express all the love you have inside with sentences full of emotion.

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When symbolism also finds refreshment in religion

As anticipated in the previous lines, symbolic marriage is in many cases placed side by side with the civil one. In this case there are no particular problems in being able to do it, while if your intention is to celebrate the symbolic ceremony in conjunction with the religious one, we advise you to inquire with the trusted parish priest and ask for availability. Some symbolic rites are not allowed by the Christian creed due to pagan origins.

The perfect place to celebrate the symbolic wedding

Symbolic marriage comes to the rescue of those who have a different religion, same-sex union or simply deem a signature that certifies their love unnecessary. The choice of the place is therefore extremely subjective and highlights the wishes and fantasies of lovers. We recommend that you experiment with places where it is possible to perform symbolic rituals such as the beach or in dedicated locations. From this point of view, Puglia is among the Italian regions with the most history and charm that can help you enjoy the innovative wedding rite.

Important people

To better celebrate your symbolic wedding, you will have to choose a person who holds the role of officiant, who, like a Civil Status Officer, will be the architect of the conduct of the wedding. The officiant will have the honor and the burden of managing the phases of the rite in the best possible way, making the atmosphere magical and full of romanticism. If you prefer a higher-level celebration, you can choose an already experienced professional, but if your desire is to value a friend then it is the case to opt for a relative or an acquaintance who is good at holding back their emotions. In addition to being able to communicate in public, the officiant must have the strength to hold back emotions during the succession of topical moments.

The best ideas for a symbolic ritual

Being a novelty in Italy you will surely have difficulty in imagining which can be the most interesting symbolic rites. The foundations that define a symbolic rite rest on spirituality, although usually one is led to direct this thought towards religiosity, in reality it is possible to customize the rite to one's liking. But as it is easy to deduce, a rite left to complete imagination is certainly not synonymous with success and it is advisable to take into consideration some fundamental components to manage. Specifically, always take into consideration: entrance of the bride and groom, music, welcome speech, readings, promises, symbolic rites and conclusion in music. To these essential elements you can add activities of personal inspiration linked to the chosen location. Imagine yourself in a particularly suggestive place in the countryside of Puglia, here you can, together with your partner, give vent to your fantasies and manifest them through: drawings, dances and sensations that give a unique and unrepeatable atmosphere.

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Take a cue from the famous rites

If the idea of having to organize the ritual puts you in crisis, you can always think of taking inspiration from the most famous symbolic weddings, let's see the most popular ones.

The rite of light:

this rite is among the best known because of Christian origin, in fact, it can also be celebrated in the Church. You and your partner will have a candle in your hands individually, which will be joined to give life to the lighting of a larger candle, a symbol of unity and strength.

The ritual of the tree:

symbol of mutual care and love, the ritual of the tree consists in planting a tree with your partner in a predetermined place.

The ritual of the hands:

among the most beautiful and romantic, this suggestive rite consists in taking the hands of one's love and forming the symbol of infinity. In this case, the officiant will also have to contribute, who will tie your hands with colored ribbons, a symbol of an infinite union that will never break.


The symbolic wedding is an opportunity that allows you to enhance the love for its deepest essence, disconnected from a traditional bureaucracy that makes an event full of emotion too concrete.